lørdag 18. mars 2017

San Jose, Costa Rica

My flight from Havana to San Jose Airport took about three hours.
Costa Rica is a country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua in north and Panama in south. The Pasific Ocean to the west and The Caribbean Sea to the east.
4,5 million people live here and the country is one of few that is without an armed force. The capital San Jose has about 300 000 citizens. This city is located 1200 meters above sea and the weather has allways a cool breeze. 
The currency is colons. 20 euro is about 1000 colons. 

The center of the city has fast food on every corner and a huge amount of the people are overweight. San Jose is not a pretty town but I easily found everything I needed and most places are in walkingdistance.

Every Sunday the main street is closed for cars and kids of all ages are skating, biking and playing in the street.
After two days in town I was happy to go further out towards the coast.

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