From Buenos Aires I took a 14 hours busride to Mendoza, the 4th biggest city in Argentina. The town is situated by the feet of The Andes.
In Mendoza I rentet a room through Airbb and I was so lucky I moved in to the sweetest couple in Mendoza.
Milu and Leandro lives in a four rooms apartement in the center of town. She is a yoga teacher and he is working with theatre. We soon became good friends, shared the meals together and I got involved with the friends and family.
The huge area around town is famous for its fertile soil where the best grapes in Argentina are grown. There are many family-owned vineyards to visit. I went on a bike and winetasting tour together with other backpackers.
Together with Milus mother and her dogs.
Leandro directs plays for local theaters. He invited me to his last play: La Pancarta.
During the dictatorship in Argentina many tousand mothers got their babies stolen after they had given birth. The act is about this. Among the audience there were also two elderly men who had experienced the tyranny of the dictatorship. After the act one of them held a lecture for us.
The play took place in the building that was used as a prison and torture chamber during the tyranny.
I visited Los Penitentes, Uspallata and Puente del Inca (The Inca Bridge), a three hours busride from Mendoza, up in the Andes mountains.
Puente del Inca is a natural arch formed as a bridge over the Vacas River. Puente del Inca is also the name of the hot springs you find here.
SvarSlettTusen takk knuppen ❤️
SlettElsker å lese og se bilder fra turen din.
SvarSlettJeg kan ikke skjonne hvor dette aaret har blitt av, snart reiser jeg hjemover. Drar via Canada der jeg skal varer i to uker for aa oppleve Quebec og Niagara Falls. Blir rart aa komme hjem etter ett aar.
SlettFantastiske bilder😊 Håper det er merr vin igjen!. God reise videre:-)
SvarSlettNaa er det tomt !
SlettFor noen kontraster du opplever underveis. Ja, nå er du snart ved veis ende, etter en opplevelse for livet. Skjønner det blir rart å komme hjem, men du er veeeelig savnet, og jeg gleder meg enormt til å se deg, og høre flere fantastiske historier fra reisen din😀. Nyt de siste ukene til fulle💕
SvarSlettGleder meg til vi treffes igjen Vibeke 🤗🤗🤗